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4th Annual Connections in Recovery and UCLA Addiction and Mental Health Symposium 2020


October 21, 2020


Los Angeles, CA (October 21, 2020) – Connections in Recovery (CiR) proudly announces their annual fourth addiction and mental health symposium, which the international organization with UCLA has hosted for the last four years.

On November 12th, 2020, the 4th Annual CiR/UCLA Addiction and Mental Health Symposium will feature guest speakers Dr. Timothy Fong, Dr. Tim Pylko, Dr. Georgina Smith and Dr. Lauren Costine. This will be a Free event.

Time: 9:00AM to 1:30PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Current topics will include:

  • “LPS conservatorship: A therapeutic tool to enhance recovery” by Dr. Tim Pylko. 
  • “Strengthen Connectivity with Generation Zoom” by Dr. Timothy Fong.
  • “Navigating the journey of crisis, treatment and boundaries; Families and the road they travel when their adult children suffer with chronic mental illness” by Dr. Georgina Smith.
  • “Silver Linings: How we can heal the LGBTQ+ Trauma in Mental Health and Addiction treatment with effectiveness and hope” by Dr. Lauren Costine.


9:00am PST, Symposium room opens

9:20am PST, Dr. Timothy Fong Opens Symposium

9:30am PST, Connections in Recovery – Crisis Management 2020

9:50am PST, Dr. Timothy Fong

10:30am PST, 15 minute break

10:45am PST, Dr. Tym Pilko

11:30am PST, Dr. Georgina Smith

12:15pm PST, 15 minute break

12:30pm PST, Dr. Lauren Costine

1:15pm to 1:45pm room is open

*Please note: The room will open at 9:00am, the symposium will start at 9:20am, and it will end at 1:15pm. The room will then remain open for an additional 30 minutes. Also, there are two (2) 15-minute/room-open breaks scheduled in between the presentations as noted above in the schedule.

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