Meet Dufflyn Lammers — a Relationship and Recovery Expert/Connections In Recovery’s European Liason, 3 tips for different stages of relationships, Happy 1 year to Revolve & the Miriam’s House Fundraiser recap…

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Meet Dufflyn Lammers — a Relationship and Recovery Expert/Connections In Recovery’s European Liason, 3 tips for different stages of relationships, Happy 1 year to Revolve & the Miriam’s House Fundraiser recap…
Many times, when an individual is struggling with an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa, residential treatment is determined to be the best...
Meet Dr. Lauren Costine & Learn about the ever changing LGBTQIA+ Alphabet, Back to School Services, and Upcoming Fall Events…
Depression and anxiety affects a person's family, work, or school life; sleeping and eating habits; and general health. Depression and Anxiety becomes problematic when it starts to interfere with a...
Highlighting Dr. Georgina Smith, Revolve Recovery, Vicarious Trauma, Mocktail Recipes, CiR Out & About and Education…
Mental Health Thoughts by Dufflyn Lammers, Sarah Gentry, Taylor Taxin, and Michael Holdaway. Our Colleague Mike Malone’s Eastern and Western Philosophy and Community Highlights…
When executive functioning skills are hindered, it can make learning, working and managing daily life difficult. Things like organization, planning, and the ability to think things through and weigh...
It’s true the path to recovery is fraught with challenges in the beginning. It’s work, discipline, commitment, peeling back layer of vulnerabilities, speaking our truth and more. It also calls for...
Meet Dufflyn Lammers — a Relationship and Recovery Expert/Connections In Recovery’s European Liason, 3 tips for different stages of relationships, Happy 1 year to Revolve & the Miriam’s House Fundraiser recap…
When someone is struggling with an addiction to a substance, whether drugs or alcohol, or they have a mental health disorder, it is common a family member or loved one will reach out to us for an...