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Mental Health Companions & Coaches

Mental Health companions and Mental Health coaches most important role is to keep the client safe. At Connections in Recovery, our Mental Health Companion or Mental Health Coach is put in place to redirect the client when he or she is feeling triggered or spiraling downwards. He or she are there to help protect the individual against further harm. Often, a Mental Health Companion or Mental Health Coach will move in with a client and is able to travel with them, especially when a trip maybe a trigger for relapse (ie. weddings, funerals, family gatherings, special events).

Whether short-term or long-term, Mental Health companions and Mental Health coaches are able to work with the client from a few hours a day up-to 24 hours a day, for as many days needed.

Some of the most common Mental Health Disorders include:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Personality Disorders
  • Substance Abuse including alcohol and drug abuse
  • Phobias
  • Eating Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
  • Mood Disorders

Some common symptoms include:

  • Problems with thinking (like being confused, suspicious, or unusually angry or sad)
  • Keeping to themselves/isolating
  • Mood swings
  • Relationship problems
  • Work problems
  • Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there)
  • Thoughts of suicide or harming themselves or others
  • Sleep problems (too much or too little)
  • Abusing alcohol or drubs
  • Confused thinking
  • Extreme levels of guilt and/or doubt
  • Sex drive changes
  • Meal changes
  • Low energy; low motivation
  • A change or inability to relate to others

Finding the Right Treatment

Finding the right mental health treatment will depend upon the type of diagnosis you have as well as the severity of the illness. You might need to work with a therapist, psychiatrist, treatment facility, family therapist, or drug counselor.

If you notice any of the above patterns in you, mental health treatment is readily available. However, it’s important first to determine if in fact you do have a mental illness, and if so, which one. Once a diagnosis is determined, then a mental health treatment professional can develop a treatment plan that works well for you and your needs.

If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the above signs, reach out to Connections in Recovery today. Connections in Recovery mental health companion, mental health coach will ‘hold your hand’ and navigate the unchartered waters with you. Simply put, they will guide you to healthier daily functioning. Furthermore, if you are in need of a medical team and you don’t have one in place, our highly-experienced case managers can put a team together for you. We can also refer you to treatment members that are a right-fit.

About Connections in Recovery:

Since 2011, Connections in Recovery (CiR), an international addiction and mental health treatment consulting company that offers expertise in mental health companions and mental health coaches, interventions, case management, recovery companions and coaching, and treatment placement, has been a vital resource to individuals across the country. Their mission then, and today, is to help connect families and individuals struggling with addiction and mental health disorders with the best providers, professionals, recovery companions and treatment resources to support long-term positive outcomes. CiR also provides professional referral services to physicians and clinicians worldwide.

Founded by Lauren Arborio and Patty Baret, CiR has devoted itself to helping individuals in need of addiction treatment and mental health recovery become vital community participants. In 2016, CiR opened its doors to New Yorkers, who were faced with mental illness and addiction, and created Connections in Recovery New York (CiRNY). The premier family service serves the metropolitan New York and Long Island communities. CiR’s other territories include Los Angeles and Europe. If you would like to know more about the organization, please visit the website www.connectionsinrecovery.com.

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