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Sober Coaches in Europe

Connections in Recovery (CiR), an international addiction and mental health treatment consulting and referral resource company, provides sober coaches in Europe. In addition, our experienced Europe team abroad provides a number of mental health and substance use disorder consultation services.

Connections in Recovery Europe (CiREU)
offers expert pre-and post-addiction and mental health treatment services through consultations/assessment and support services, interventions, case management, safe transports, and recovery and mental health companions.

Since 2011, sober coaches and mental health coaches have coordinated care and assistance to people struggling with addiction and mental health issues-inspiring individuals and families to face life’s challenges and achieve greater personal and economic independence.

Connections in Recovery Europe services:

  • Mental Health and Recovery Coaches and Companions 
  • Case Management – Includes case management as well as random drug testing.
  • Consulting – Working directly with the family overwhelmed or in crisis. We provide comprehensive assessment of the individual’s needs and goals; extensive research of available treatment options; recommendations for a plan of action.
  • Interventions – A highly trained interventionist will ease the difficult decision-making process regarding how to help your loved one take the next step toward recovering from an addiction or mental illness.
  • Safe Transport – Dedicated and discreet recovery and mental health companions provide support to individuals with addiction and/or mental health problems during their times of travel.

Rapid Response Team – When we receive a call for help, there is usually only a small window of opportunity. Our nationwide network of addiction and mental health consulting services allows CiREurope to respond quickly to the client in crisis.

Dufflyn Lammers presents to Lawyers in London

In terms of services provided:  Each CiR case is individually personalized based upon treatment team assessments and recommendations, personal/professional goals, and of course client needs. CiR works with each sober companions/coaches in their Los Angeles and New York-based offices. In addition, CiR has an invaluable advisory board of expert addiction psychiatrists and psychologist, as well as they work with attorneys, social workers, registered nurses, medical doctors, when necessary. Once information releases have been approved and secured, CiR provides daily progress notes to any/all pertinent and appropriate recovery team support members, such as to the individual’s clinical team, to help provide insight on the day-to-day “life” of the client outside of their clinical/professional/career appointments.

“We provide court support letters, documents, and other appropriate artifacts if needed, as well as progress reports regarding the client’s mood, challenges, goals, and accomplishments,” said Arborio.



CiRLA & CiR East Coast:


CiR Europe:

(00) + 1 + 888-617-1050

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