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Dr. Don Grant Featured on The Hill’s: “Teens’ latest social media trend? Self-diagnosing mental health issues”

Nathalie Baret

April 1, 2024


Dr. Don Grant, a renowned expert in device management and media technology addiction, emphasizes the complexity of this issue. He shares firsthand accounts of teenagers relying on influencers and online quizzes for mental health diagnoses, highlighting the urgent need for accessible, reliable mental health care. Let’s open the conversation on how to better support our youth in navigating mental health in the digital era.

Extract from the article: Teenagers are increasingly using social media to self-diagnose their mental health issues, alarming parents and advocates who say actual care should be easier to access.  

A poll by EdWeek Research Center released this week found 55 percent of students use social media to self-diagnose, and 65 percent of teachers say they’ve seen the phenomenon in their classrooms.

Experts said they have regularly observed the practice too, and that the solution is not as simple as taking away phones or chastising teenagers who turn to free methods to receive mental health advice when more comprehensive assistance may be difficult to get. 

“Kids are all coming in and I’m asking them, ‘Where did you get this diagnosis?’” said Don Grant, national adviser for healthy device management at Newport Healthcare. Grant said he would get responses such as “Oh, there’s an influence,” “Oh, I took a quiz,” or “Oh, there’s a group on social media that talks about it.”  

Read the full article here: https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4562334-teens-social-media-trend-self-diagnosing-mental-health-issues/

Connections in Recovery Advisory Board
CiR is proud of its invaluable advisory board which includes expert addiction psychiatrists and psychologists. With over 20 years of experience in the field, our cadre of professionals possesses the knowledge, skills and compassion to help you navigate your options and give you the tools to make the best decisions in taking control of your life.

We’re very proud to have Dr. Don Grant on our board for nearly a decade.

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